Thursday, August 27, 2015


For years I have been advising YBA board members that this day would eventually come and now it apparently has. Some 25 years ago I joined Robert Massey in forming a Billings area bluegrass club and we needed a place to meet. We could handle around 12 pickers in my home or the basement of his church, but what would we do if 40 people showed up?  I came up with the idea of getting a room in a local school and Jim Reno, who was in charge of Adult Education, approved our use of the band room in the Lincoln school building. That worked well, but eventually the school district began placing more and more restrictions due to security concerns around that downtown location.  Now Yellowstone Bluegrass Association president, Sharon Karlson, has announced the end to those jams. In order to continue pickers would have to enroll in a "Jam Class" and pay $15 per semester. Also no visitors, pickers or spectators, would be allowed in. She has called for suggestions on any location that might allow Friday night jams. For now, some bluegrassers can continue to jam at the 27th N. Hardee's after 8 PM on Fridays. There is limited space there and only a few show up at a time - sometimes no one is there. In reality the recent jams at Lincoln have had limited participation. We did have 40 show up a couple of times years ago, but in recent years it has dwindled down to 8 to 12 on many occasions. 20 pickers would result in a "big" jam today so smaller facilities would work out well. Early on we had members who insisted we avoid alcohol establishments, but we did meet at a Pizza Hut once each month for years which does serve beer. In order to continue weekly jamming the YBA Board may have to break down and consider bars and clubs as jamming spots.  Many of them would welcome "free" live entertainment for their patrons enjoyment. The MT Fiddlers have met in bars for decades.  At any rate you can call Sharon Karlson with your suggestions at 406-930-2168 or e-mail "Sharon Karlson" <>

1 comment:

  1. Well, that is too bad. I am only one to listen, not jam myself, but I've know some folks that really enjoyed those jams. I hope another good spot opens up. Maybe something at one of the colleges? Or, you know, I guess nothing last forever.... But, still.
